Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Good for Mind and Body.

Saturday, October 10, 2009
Shall we brooch the subject of accessorizing....

I found these little ditties on has a fabulous collection of sustainable products, none of which should be over looked. With my fetish for fashion accessories the brooches immediately grabbed my attention. I live by the idea that less is more so I keep my accessories simple, wearing just one special piece. The designs at are ideal for my needs. Not only are they fabulous to look at they give us an interesting story to tell admirers. They’re designed by a Woman’s Cooperative in
As we push toward the colder season, we start pulling warmer clothes out of our closets for the long winters haul. It’s easy to let your style go once keeping warm becomes a priority. I try to separate myself from the pack by adding an embellishment to my wardrobe. The brooches on offer the splash of color I look for. Whether it’s on a scarf or coat, you can separate yourself from the bundled masses by wearing a brooch to show your personality. These nifty little decorative pieces not only pin to your wardrobe, they will spice up anything you attach them to. Just think about the possibilities, handbags, backpacks, sun visors even a lamp shade.
The people at Digs are committed to creating quality products while supporting eco-conscious manufacturing, fair trade, fair wages and economic development. Come on, ya gotta dig it!
*coming soon to
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Take in the Music, Eat Well and Save the Ta-ta’s
Plug #1 is for o

Plug #2 The Wave Pizza Café is going LIVE on Saturday, October 10th with 102.5 FM “The Shark” and Budwieser – Landshark. Free food, lots of give-aways and $1.50 Bud and Landshark Lager! It all happens on thier sound front deck and the sunsets are free!
Plug #3 October is “Breast Cancer Awareness Month” and to show its support The Wave Pizza Café has turned their Wave White Pizza pink. My husband came up with the notion t
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Another Season Passes
We’re experiencing a few quiet weeks here at the beach. With the slow progression into fall, September brings a mix of young families, couples and retiree’s. Ocean Atlantic Rental’s has penned this “Baby Month’ as this is the season when crib rentals are at a premium. Some locals have come to call our September guests “Newlyweds and Nearly Deads”. Although one might argue the latter name is P.I.C., I confess to a silent chuckle when I hear it said.
The long line of cars parading onto our beach every week has slowed and I’ve come down with a case of the blah’s. Normally, I’m happy to leave the craziness of summer behind as I look ahead to the quieter seasons. Instead I find myself missing the smell of suntan lotion and the sounds of tourists eating ice cream from the neighboring shop. Well maybe not so much the eating of the ice cream but the enthusiasm it brings. Gone are the conversations about collecting the best seashells, visiting the light house or finding the best pizza. If you’re interested you’ll find seashells under Kitty Hawk Pier after high tide, Currituck Beach Light is just up the road and The Wave Pizza Cafe has the best pizza in town (What you weren’t expecting a plug?).
It’s not surprising that the deficit in vacationers coincides with the start of another school year. Which has brought me to the realization that my melancholy may be sparked by the absence of my youngest child? He has been newly transplanted on a college campus 5 hours away and I think empty nest syndrome may be taking hold. Experience has taught me that this too shall pass, as I have sent 2 away before him and they both returned home. I take no credit for this as my youngest son once compared my mothering technique to TV's Roseanne, he meant it as a compliment, or so
he says. I'm convinced it's my husbands cooking that brings them home; he's a wizard with a spatula.
Henry David Thoreau said it best “Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.”
Friday, September 18, 2009
Another reclaimed treasure...

The other night my sister and I were winding down from the day and sitting on my sofa with dueling lap tops. While Michelle wrote another quick witted post for her blog I cruised Etsy for a new find, and find it I did. It was a hand bag created by foundbynicki. The artist skillfuly crafts the hand bags from pre-owned leather jackets. The thought of this might bring back memories of hand bags we made as teenagers, sewing together pieces of old jeans to fashion a sack. These are nothing like that…. they’re actually nice. Nice being an understatement, they’re actually gorgeous. When I showed the pictures to Michelle she had an equally joyful reaction. Nothing can get the attention of two grown women like a leather hand bag or a new pair of shoes.
You really should check out Etsy, if you haven’t already. There are all sorts of wonderfully unique items, each crafted by creative and talented artist. If you like the idea of recycling leather coats into hand bags, I’ll indulge you with yet another site; Remade USA. Enjoy.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Bad Hair Daze

Dry unruly hair… hard to control… this is what I live with every day. But alas! I have found a cure; Agadir Hair Oil formerly known as Moroccan Gold Miracle Oil. There’s a young woman working in a neighboring shop with hair so lovely it turns heads. Her name is Jillian or as I like to call her “The girl with the amazing hair”. I hate her, not really. Her hair is thick, lustrous and full of body. Mine is also thick, but depending on the humidity it can range from “brillo pad” to “slightly less brillo pad”. I blow dry and color treat, Jillian does the same but adds a 3rd step, the flat iron. Even adding the extra heat she still has amazing hair, how can this be? Well, she has youth on her side, she’s 19 and I’m….not 19. Her other weapon of defense is this fabulous hair oil. I found it on-line purchased it and gave my hair its first dose yesterday. I immediately saw results; I left the house with a renewed vitality. Seriously, I could do a Clairol commercial. You know the one, where Debra Messing is dancing around the house lip syncing to Natural Woman. It gets better… I went to the bank and the teller wanted to know who styles my hair. Wow, I had forgotten it had a style. On day two I had even better results. No struggling through tangles while blow drying just smooth shine. My landlord stopped by the shop this morning to say hello, funny how he only does this on the first of the month. He said, and I quote “business must be good, because you look great”. Ha! It must be the hair, I mean with the recession and all. I can’t imagine what might happen on day three. Hair modeling?
There’s a plethora of websites selling the Moroccan Oil in a wide range of prices, shop around and give it a try. You’ll be dancing and singing Natural Woman in no time.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Lessons for the Road

We just returned from taking our youngest off to college. It’s a 5 hour trip and freshman move-in was at an ungodly 7 A.M., ergo we were forced to drive in a day early. With the Dorm paraphernalia packed into the SUV there was barely room to sit. I had to pack light.
My usual travel tote The Pocket Rocket from Bungalow Scout (pardon my obvious plug) was filled with work papers and my laptop. Too lazy to empty it I grabbed my Pretty Green Bag which I usually reserve for local errands. Turns out it's the bag that keeps on giving. I was able to stuff it with my cropped pants and a tee for a change of clothes (slightly wrinkled I use the hotel iron). My comfy sleep pants, another tee, my hairdryer (not a fan of hotel hair dryers; too small, short cord), make up, hair brush, hair product, moisturizer, contact lens solution, tooth brush, tooth paste, eye glasses and an extra pair of flip flops. Oh, my phone charger and an apple. Did I say amazing? Crazy Amazing.

Fabulous new fall patterns from Bungalow Scout are in at THE GREEN SHUTTER. Don't you wish you had them...they're just one click away!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Monday, August 10, 2009
Spicoli revisited
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Jeff Spicoli would love it here

You may have noticed (hopefully someone has) that I’ve been gone from the blog-o-sphere for a few days. My lap top became a virus victim about a week ago and has been sitting on a repair bench ever since. Nothing happens quickly at the beach. There is no sense of urgency, especially if the waves are good or the fish are running. You can walk up to a business on any given day and find a hand written note taped to the door; ‘gone fishing’ or ‘gone surfing’. We were jokingly warned of this when we first moved here. Normally I find it charming, until I need something done like repairing my laptop. My entire life is processed through this little computer. It’s astonishing how much I rely on it for both business and personal issues. There’s bill paying, purchasing, directions, reservations and weather checks to think about. And then there’s the amount of time I spend googling some random piece of information i.e., how to repair a leaky vent on my car or what is the disease “du jour’ on my lawn. This morning I’m able to enjoy my cup of coffee with Yahoo News as I steal a few minutes on Peter’s lap top. The “computer dude” (this is not his name just an observation) got back to me yesterday, the lap top will be finished on Monday morning. Assuming there will be no “tasty waves” to detain him I’ll be Twittering in no time!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Blowing in the Wind

I have a thing for wind chimes. I love the gentle sounds they make in the breeze, coupled with the smell of the ocean, I’m in heaven. It’s these same sounds that make my husband crazy. We have been negotiating wind chime usage for 27 years, he’s against them and I'm for them. Over the years we have compromised in the silence of sun catchers and glass art, that is until recently.
When I opened my shop there was no doubt that I would carry wind chimes, I searched for ones that are unique, earth friendly and eye catching with melodic sounds. I found all of this in Goose Rocks Designs.
I carry a selection of Goose Rocks Designs in my shop and one on my front porch. The good news; no complaints from my husband, yet.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Can you hear me now?

A few more links you might find of interest:
2009 Run for Congo Woman
Raise hope for Congo
Friday, July 17, 2009
Driving Miss Edie

I have been absent from the blog-o-sphere for a few days (an upper respiratory infection will do that to a girl), but now I’m back and I have a lovely little house guest, Edie May. She was dropped off yesterday morning by her human Dodge as he was leaving on vacation. Yes, Dodge is his real name. Edie is a
I love Edie, she is the lap dog I never had. When this petite little hound climbs onto my chair her weight does not hinder blood flow to my legs, seize mobility or body block my view. Floyd who does inflict the aforementioned discomforts gets a bit jealous, he is enormous and thinks he’s a cat. A mind set that has gotten him into a few jams in the past. Despite his child like behavior he extends a “doggy courtesy” to Miss Edie and leaves her be. His manners taught not by me, but his elder Tucker, who at times has little patience in rearing the young lad. That said they have been behaving like gentlemen. While playing they tone down the “rough housing” so Edie can participate and when food is served they wait for Edie to take the first bite. Whoever said chivalry was dead knew not of the Basset Hound.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Mother Nature... never underestimate the power of a woman.

The project took 5 years to become a reality for Aubrey Davis and Eric Reese, owners of The Outer Banks Brewing Station. Situated just 500 ft. from the beach the wind driven structure has become an icon of the beach and brings attention to the already popular brewery.
Anticipating the seasonal storms the 72 ft. wind turbine was built to withstand winds up to 132 mph. A necessity here on the beach. During a Nor-Easter I was nearly blown off of a deck, my son was able to stop me by grabbing the back of my shirt. Lesson learned; do not stand outside to observe the angry sea, even if it is an awesome sight.
To honor the first wind turbine used to brew beer on the Outer Banks, brewer Scott Meyer created a special beer just for the occasion, the “10KV Pale Ale” (10 kilovolts of power).
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
The Perfect Wedding Dress

A friend of ours will be tying the knot in October and has asked for my help in finding unique wedding favors. With an eye for style, she is an incessant bargain hunter and wise not to buy into the idea that a beautiful wedding has to cost as much as your first house. So while looking for valuable steals I found this little ditty….. pre-owned wedding dresses. If I were getting married again this is where I would shop. Looking at the many options I felt like a kid in a candy store. With 2,699 dresses currently listed, they have something for every style bride. Maybe I can convince Peter to re-new our vows, I have a Vera Wang all picked out. It makes perfect sense; renew…recycle.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Let's Make A Little Noise

I applaud those that drive a hybrid vehicle and look forward to owning one myself. Here's an interesting tidbit regarding hybrid vehicles; they are difficult for the vision impaired community to detect. When the vehicles slow to a stop they often run on battery power, which is silent. As you can imagine this could present a hazard at intersections and in parking lots.
I'll Keep My Day Job

Saturday, July 4, 2009
A Hot Piece of Glass

My favorite glass comes from prolific artist Luke Adams. A young glass blower out of New England, Luke and his talented team of artist’s create individually unique pieces. The colors are spectacular. I received a new shipment of sun catchers the other day, one of which caught my eye. The twist ornament shimmered in sea foam greens and blues like an ocean wave. I was sad to sell it that same afternoon as I had considered keeping it for myself.
If you live near Norwood, Ma., stop in and see Luke in his glass blowing studio, he happily welcomes visitors. If you need to fuel some creativity he teaches glass blowing classes as well.
“Glass is a material formed by fire and shaped by human breath, nothing else can offer an artist creatively, what is possible in glass.” - Luke
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Kudos to Aunt Shirley

You wouldn’t want to put your dirty shoes on a kitchen table so why put your hand bag on a dirty floor? My husbands Aunt Shirley told me about purse hangers when I first opened and suggested I carry them. I agreed but it took me a few months to decide on a hanger to sell in my shop. When I found these beautiful diffused glass hooks made by Laura at Iridescent Dreams I was hooked too. They are pretty to look at, easy to carry and easy to use. The weighted disc keeps the hanger firmly planted on any flat surface. No two are exactly the same and they are made in an array of delightful colors. Go ahead, spoil yourself. You deserve one
Monday, June 29, 2009
A Sign of Summer.

Sunday, June 28, 2009
The Great American Bake Sale.... helping to end childhood hunger.

You can help too. How to Eat a Cupcake is a participant in The Great American Bake Sale. Just click here for their link to donate or if you would like to host your own bake sale click here. Funds you raise from your local bake sale support food programs in your community. 100% off the funds raised help feed kids.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
This is why I'm not a food blogger

Friday, June 26, 2009
Why Dirt?

After a near sell out last Friday, Dirt Candles are back in store. I literally had 2 candles left on the shelves. They were in such demand this week I had a waiting list of customers and phone calls to make. Fed Ex delivered early this morning and by noon I had a line at the counter. I'm carrying two new scents; Best Friends and An Apple A Day. The candles are still on sale 20% off, in store and on the web site.
Here's a little ditty straight from Dirt:
Dirt is where nature begins and ends. Dirt Candles are formulated from beginning to end with natural things. Starting with GMO-free soy wax made with organic soy cultivated in the USA, along with essential oils, botanical ingredients, and all natural cotton wicks. Recycled packaging is used with soy inks and labels made from corn. Dirt invites you to take a look around, smell and open your world up to the possibilities of dirt.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Urban Farming.... seeds of change
Their mission statement:

Urban Farming intends to eradicate hunger while increasing diversity, motivating youth and seniors and optimizing the production of unused land for good and alternative energy.
I’d like to shake the hand of whomever came up with the idea of the Edible Green Wall, pure genius. It’s an innovative wall panel system used to grow fresh produce. Perfect for inner cities where real estate is a rare commodity. Click here for a few photos of Edible Green Wall Projects.
If you shop online at Amazon, Ebay, iTunes and dozens of other stores donate a percent of your purchase to Urban Farming. Just click on the Urban Farming Button to the left to learn more.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Architectural Salvage... Another way to Recycle

Today’s stream of consciousness (or unconsciousness)….
I was mopping my wood floor and reading the label on the cleaner bottle. Turns out the cleaner kills 99.9% of bacteria and I briefly wondered about the .01% of bacteria that it doesn’t kill. From there, I began thinking about how I’m trying to live a cleaner/greener life, and so on. While mopping the floor, suddenly I realized how awesome it is, the floor I mean. Yes, I have an awesome floor.
The story of our floor comes in 2 parts. The first part began with the original construction of our house 22 years ago when a local contractor built it as his main residence. From the windows and trim, to the salvaged front door with original hardware, it was clear he knew what he was doing. Even with all this finely wrought detail, it was the flooring that sold me on the home. It's made of reclaimed wood originating from an old
The next time your in the market for new a tree, re-use, re-claim, re-cycle. There are a plethora of resources available for reclaimed wood. Here are a few to get you started: Heritage Restorations, Mountain Lumber, Clark's.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Gleeful Vacationers Abound!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A humanitarian company providing sustainable employment to the proud Zulu of Africa.
As told by the founders… “Over the years we have worked to uplift the Zulu and provide them with a better quality of life. We have seen them through sickness and personal trauma and tragedy-through fires that ravaged their shacks and took all of their possessions. We have personally provided shelter and clothing for them even when it meant going without. This project is totally supported by the sales of our beautiful products as profits are put back into the company to sustain jobs and create new ones. No outside, private or government funding has been or is being used on this project. Our mission has been to build proper housing and a clinic for the Zulu.”
I am proud to be a distributor of BUGZ Workshop.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
For the Bird with Discriminating Taste.

Another unique Bird Barn from Barnstorm, new in the shop just this morning. Constructed from reclaimed barnwood and easy to clean, just open that welcoming front door and your done. Available in store at TGS or just one phone call (or e-mail) away.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Vintage Rubber

Creator Heather English came up with the idea while floating down stream in an inner tube. A vegetarian she was thinking about wanting a new handbag, durable but not from leather. From this her company English Retreads was born. Heather gets her inner tubes from a truck stop in Boulder near her home. Each has more than 60,000 miles on it before they're re-created. Apparently she has been making these bags since 2001, am I the last to know about this?
Monday, June 15, 2009
Behold the Paper Straw.

This past weekend my husband's family visited from "The Homeland" (
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Eye Catching Bifocal SunReaders

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Time to get Naked...

Another earth loving product from TWIST. The Naked Sponge contains no dyes and is 100% cellulose. It does not contain the chemicals or colorings you find in those bright yellow sponges we see at the grocery store. You can check the Green Standards of this sponge here. TWIST products are available at William-Sonoma, Whole Foods or right here in the Village of Duck at Tommy's market.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Re-cycling some DIRT

Why Dirt? For starters I think they're amazing and I'm in good company. Hollywood agrees, DIRT candles were given as swag at the 2007 Academy Awards and Golden Globes. They have been featured in Home Decor, People, US and Style Magazines, just to name a few.
The soft, subtle aroma doesn't overwhelm. I sampled about a dozen scents and I found them all enjoyable. My favorite is Old Faithful. I'm a sucker for a good vanilla candle. It has notes of Madagascar Vanilla, Tahitian Vanilla, Mexican Vanilla and herbs. Another favorite (probably because I live at the beach) is Beach Bum with Olfactory notes of seawater, kelp, fresh rain and white sand. Yep, its says fresh rain. I don't know how but its in there. No matter what scent you choose, you won't be disappointed.
These candles are eco-friendly from wick to box. Everything is bio-degradable. The box tells us that they burn for 60 hours, I can tell you they burn longer. The price is affordable, unlike other soy candles you won't have to break the bank to buy one. Just when I thought they couldn't get any better; a portion of the proceeds go to charities like Make a Wish Foundation, The American Cancer Society and Big Brothers and Sisters. If you love candles as much as I do you won't be dissappointed with DIRT!
Friday, June 5, 2009
A vote for the underdog is a vote for me!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Enchanted Mermaids from Natalie Silitch

Saturday, May 30, 2009
How many water bottles are too many?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
What is this thing called Guerilla Gardening?