The latest trend in re-usable totes has led to the creation of some very pretty bags. Some of the most eye catching bags I’ve seen are from Pretty Green. The bags are the result of designer Truc Tang’s eco-friendly vision. She has taken practical and functional to a whole new level. Made from fashion savvy organic fabrics these well constructed bags have my attention in both solids and prints. Brightly colored and fanciful, I had a difficult time choosing just one.
The bags are not only useful for my daily chores but sturdy enough for groceries and slightly larger loads. Its amazing how much I can fit into one of these bags. They conveniently fold up small and flat to fit into tight places. Great for traveling, they slip right into my luggage without taking up any additional space. On a recent vacation to warmer climates my bag was the most useful item I brought with me. We rented a scooter and drove it every where, I know, I know, a tee shirt with the word TOURIST would have been less obvious. None the less I enjoyed my little scooter as much as my Pretty Green Bag. While driving the bag fit perfectly inside the seat of the scooter then it easily slipped over my shoulder while walking through the local shops. I was able to fit all of my acquisitions inside as well as my wallet, sunglasses, water, and keys. All of my essentials were with me at all times. The colorful bag was a great up grade from my usual plain canvas tote.
Although I would have a hard time giving up the Pangea patterned bag that I’ve come to love, shopping for one of the new spring patterns is not out of the question. These bags are made of 100% certified organic cotton canvas and each bag is lined with the “pretty green” signature lining. These eco-conscious bags are not just reasonably priced, a portion of the proceeds go to international clean water projects. This means we get to carry a pretty bag and help the save the environment at the same time, what could be better than that!
Bells and Whistles,
ReplyDeleteI've been reading up on your blog for the past week and I really enjoy. I recently came accross bSaves and thought you might be interested. I was thinking that it's a pretty cool energy saving concept.
these are nice bags, its great that there's such a choice these days.