Off topic from the usual "green finds" I'm throwing in another shameless plug. This time to promote the Taste of the Beach here on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. If you have never been to one of these events you’re missing out on something big. You don’t have to be a “foodie” to enjoy the festivities. I guarantee you will find a venue to dazzle your taste buds and brighten up an otherwise a gray weekend at the beach. Albeit a gray beach day is better than no beach day at all.
Peter and I attend the event every year. With so many venues its impossible to participate in them all, although we give it our best shot. Our personal favorite is the Tapas Crawl in Duck (yes, that really is the name of the town). It’s a social event that takes place in four of Ducks finest restaurants. They indulge us with a scrumptious tapas dish, cocktails and good company. Last year we closed the last stop after having a tasty martini at each restaurant and a designated driver on call.
The weekend events culminate at the Taste of the Beach Expo which takes place at the Hilton in Kitty Hawk. All of the best restaurants come together to compete and give us a taste of their finest dishes. Come hungry. The wineries and breweries are also there to compete and quench our thirst with tastings. Not to worry they'll let you sneak back for more than one. It's a lot of fun and a great way to end the weekend.
Its all for a good cause. It's a charity event hosted by the Outer Banks Restaurant Association with proceeds going to the The Culinary Education Fund.