My husband and son just opened a new pizza restaurant which I had the pleasure of decorating. To no avail I have been searching for suitable pendant lighting. Health codes are stringent when it comes to what you can or cannot hang over food. Whenever I think I've found the perfect light, it turns out not to be so perfect after all. On the bright side I did come across this clever idea for my home. I love this, its warm, inviting and recycled. I have some vintage seltzer bottles that could make very cool pendant lights. Unfortunately they're buried in some boxes that I have yet to unpack from our move. We moved 4 years ago, its time to unpack. If you like the idea, crack open some wine and go here for complete instructions on how to make these eco-friendly pendant lights.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wine Bottles - a bright idea!
My husband and son just opened a new pizza restaurant which I had the pleasure of decorating. To no avail I have been searching for suitable pendant lighting. Health codes are stringent when it comes to what you can or cannot hang over food. Whenever I think I've found the perfect light, it turns out not to be so perfect after all. On the bright side I did come across this clever idea for my home. I love this, its warm, inviting and recycled. I have some vintage seltzer bottles that could make very cool pendant lights. Unfortunately they're buried in some boxes that I have yet to unpack from our move. We moved 4 years ago, its time to unpack. If you like the idea, crack open some wine and go here for complete instructions on how to make these eco-friendly pendant lights.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Digging up some Dirt.....

Dirt candles to be exact. Having written a previous post advocating the quality of these organic soy candles I have more dirt to dish. I recently discovered that Dirt also sells their candles in a 2 oz. tealight size. Dirt boasts 6 hours of burn time for these little candles, which is indeed true. Of course they are assuming you won't knock over the tealight spilling the wax all over your kitchen counter. Not that I would know anything about that.
Like many of us I purchase bags of tealights only to find they burn for about 25 to 30 minutes. This is why they come in inexpensive sacks of plenty. I purchased the Dirt tealights as samples to test new scents. Don't be fooled by its size. Aside from their pleasant aromatherapy qualities I was impressed by the longevity of this 2 oz candle. I can't think of another place where I can purchase a 6 hr. soy candle for only $2.00. I had a few un-used tealights left over and used them as giveaways for my customers. One woman pointed out that these would make great favors for a bridal shower. After having used the tealight a group of vacationers returned wanting to buy additional candles. Unfortunately, I was all out... but not for long, my replacement order is on its way!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
H20 on the Go!

Recently attending the Food Expo here in OBX, I was approached by several sales rep’s trying to peddle they’re bottled waters. While some were very good, there was one that stood out among the rest. The company is Mountain Valley Spring Water and I was delighted to find not only a clean refreshing taste but a company that has eco-friendly values. So of course when I got home I did some research to find if there was truth behind the sales pitch? And there was.
MVSW produces both spring water and sparkling water. I’m a huge fan of both but I try to stay away from the plastic bottles. I confess even though I put forth a good effort there are always those times, mostly when I’m traveling, that the only source of water comes out of a plastic bottle. I’ve come to despise plastic bottles, not only because of what they do to our environment but also because of the toxins that leach into the drinking water itself. MVSW is the first manufacturer to use recycled PET resin bottles for their 12 oz. products. After a long search on the internet I failed to find another spring water company that does. The pretty 16 oz. glass bottles used for the spring and sparkling waters are not only recyclable they’re made from recycled content.
I have an affinity toward Italian sodas which are contrived from sparkling water. Normally I would use San Pellegrino with lots of ice and raspberry soda syrup. I buy Torani syrup which has proven to be very good and also because it’s the only one available here on the beach. It is truly a refreshing beverage especially in the dead heat of summer. I took the risk and switched out the Pellegrino for the MVSW, success was achieved!
If you’re curious take a look at their website, it’s full of information. Here’s a little tidbit; every drop of Mountain Valley Spring Water comes from a single spring surrounded by a protected forest in the foothills of the Ouachita Mountains near
Monday, March 9, 2009
Life is a beach!

Just for fun here's a little quiz from SPROOST. I found this on another blog Keep Calm and Kerry On. Not only do I enjoy the blog, but she has a great name as well. So, I took the test and it was ridiculously accurate. My style it says 67% nantucket, 17% classic and 16% cottage chic. The description for Nantucket begins "Oh how you love the beach!" How did they know?
I took the quiz 3x's and every time I ended up with this room. This could seriously be my living room.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Singing the Blues

Its been unusually cold in our area, below freezing in fact. We’ve experienced some frozen pipes and I’m watching the palm trees wither away. Our spoiled hound dogs are used to a good life of sunshine and warm earth under their feet. Their reluctance to go outside has been a cause of great frustration. When they do go out they linger by the back door and whine. After they've tricked me into letting them in, they leave me gifts. Between the two they produce enough fertilizer to keep us green for a very long time. Argh!
The good news, the temperature will be back in the 60's by Saturday and the shops in Duck are opening for the season, wahoo!
Where ever you’re reading this from, I hope you’re warm and that your pets are cooperating.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
The Art of the Bath

Who doesn’t love a good soak? At the end of a stressful day I adore a hot bath, the hotter the better. So steamy my husband has accused me of causing paint to peel off the bathroom walls. All I need is a glass of wine, candles and bath salts and life is good again. It’s my own little spa time; the misty vapors clear my mind and restore my well being. I think for many of us a bath is soothing, it can wash away our worries, aches, pains and complaints.
This little book by Susannah Marriott has become a charming little antidote to the stress knots that form in the back of my neck. It has fabulous recipes and tips for a captivating bath. The recipes contain organic ingredients, many of which you may already have in your pantry or garden. Lavender is suggested for some relaxing aromatherapy. If that’s not the remedy you seek there are all sorts of recipes that calm, detoxify, revitalize or stir up a bit of luxury and romance. Everything you need to know to create the perfect bath is here from candles, loofah, brushes, oils and music.
The effects of an aromatic bath seep in to the respiratory, skin and nervous system to reduce problems. When our muscles are relaxed our immune systems are given a boost from improved circulation. There are lots of little tidbits in there about the benefits of the bath, history, lore and traditions. Keep this little treasure handy near the bath for a “spur of the moment” soak.
"The way to health is to have an aromatic bath and scented massaged every day." Hippocrates